Wargaming for the Purpose of Knowledge Development: Lessons Learned from Studying Allied Courses Of Action

Vitenskapelig artikkel 2022
Dagfinn Furnes Vatne Mona Sagsveen Guttelvik Alf Christian Hennum Stein Malerud
We present a series of four wargames intended to improve our ability to analyze the alliance aspect of Norwegian military operations. We discuss the objectives, the set-up, and the lessons learned. The wargames proved to be very helpful in discovering gaps in our knowledge concerning specific types of military operations and systems, and pointed at shortcomings of our scenario portfolio. They also highlighted more general methodological aspects such as the importance of explicitly stating basic premises. We argue that wargames are a useful tool for assessing one’s own knowledge, challenging current opinions, and improving one’s analytic methods.


Vatne, Dagfinn Furnes; Guttelvik, Mona Sagsveen; Hennum, Alf Christian; Malerud, Stein. Wargaming for the Purpose of Knowledge Development: Lessons Learned from Studying Allied Courses Of Action. Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies (SJMS) 2022 ;Volum 5.(1) s. 297-308

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