Vurderinger av en K2-struktur ved hjelp av UPTO-modellen - en utarbeidelse av hypoteser fra de ikke-strukturelle perspektiv

FFI-Rapport 2003

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Anne Lise Bjørnstad Hilde Hafnor
Project 807/162 “Battlefield digitisation – consequences for command and operations” (SLADI) aims to address central consequences of the current and expected future digitisation of various functions in the military organization. This report presents the analysis of a C2-structure, reflecting both radical technological and organizational changes, with the help of a newly developed analytic model (UPTO) based in organizational psychology (Hafnor & Bjørnstad, 2002). The product of the analyses presented in this report is sets of hypotheses on an aggregated level. These are proposed to work as a point de depart for further research including empirical studies. The aim of the analyses is twofold. Primarily, the analysis evaluates the designed C2-structure holistically through different perspectives. It assesses what conditions the structure is likely to demand in order to be viable, and what effects the structure is likely to produce. Secondly, the analyses evaluate how the structure may succeed in reaching the set goals known as the properties (“egenskaper”) defined by Braathen et al (2002).

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