Using Open Standards for Utilizing IoT Sensors in a Smart City Scenario
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Although the use of the Internet of Things (IoT) in a smart city context primarily stems from civilian applications
like management and monitoring, there are also other uses. For instance, military forces may utilize sensors
during natural disasters, terrorist attacks or insurgent attacks, in order to improve situational awareness. For
this to be possible, the military forces must be able to discover the sensors, as well as utilize the data formats of
the sensors in their Command and Control (C2) systems. It is therefore necessary to be able to describe the
sensors in a standardized and machine-readable way, such that they can be automatically discovered and their
capabilities assessed.
In this paper, we investigate using open standards such as the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) and Sensor
Model Language (SensorML) to enable sensor sharing so that IoT can be leveraged by military forces in an agile
and interoperable way, which is necessary to support coalition operations. Furtermore, we have started on a
Proof-of-Concept implementation, and in the paper, we present the implementation thus far, as well as the results
Johnsen, Frank T.; Bloebaum, Trude Hafsøe; Brannsten, Marianne Rustad; Lund, Ketil. Using Open Standards for Utilizing IoT Sensors in a Smart City Scenario. International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (ICCRTS) proceedings 2018 FFI