Underwater Acoustic Communications: Long-Term Test of Turbo Equalization in Shallow Water
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Acoustic telemetry sea trials lasting for three months with experiment periods of 7 h have been carried out, using a turbo receiver. The communication channel is shallow; the depth is approximately 10 m, and the range is 850 m, showing variable multipath. The wind speed and the sound-speed profile (SSP) are measured during sonic of the experiments. The results show reliable communication over the entire period and performance improvement of the turbo receiver compared to a decision feedback equalizer (DFE) used as reference receiver. The noise in the experiment data suggests significant deviations from the Gaussian assumption, and analysis of turbo receiver performance under heavy-tailed noise is presented.
Otnes, Roald Wilhelm; Eggen, Trym Haakon. Underwater Acoustic Communications: Long-Term Test of Turbo Equalization in Shallow Water. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 2008 ;Volum 33.(3) s. 321-334