Undersøkelse av skipsvrak inneholdende kjemisk ammunisjon senket i norske farvann etter annen verdenskrig

FFI-Rapport 1989

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John Aasulf Tørnes Jan H. Blanch Tor I. Wedervang Andersen Arne G. Aase M. Opstad
The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment have investigated five ship wrecks possibly loaded with chemical warfare agents sunk in Skagerrak south of Arendal after world war II. These wrecks were chosen out of 15 found by sidescan sonar in an area were dumping of such ships were allowed after the war. One of the examined wrecks were broken into several pieces, but the others were observed were intact. Near two of the wrecks several 200–250 kg bombs were observed. Most of them were intact, but some were corroded and the filling seemed to have leaked out.

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