Under-ice mid-frequency acoustic transmissionand communication in two Arctic Oceanenvironments

Vitenskapelig artikkel 2023
Dag Tollefsen Paul van Walree Trond Jenserud Vidar Forsmo
This paper presents data from mid-frequency (4−8 kHz) under-ice acoustic transmission and communication experiments in the Nansen Basin and in the Beaufort Sea of the Arctic Ocean. Measured impulse responses to range ~10 km showed considerable delay spread between distinct groups of arrivals due to surface-ducted and bottom-reflected paths. The relative strengths of these groups depend on duct and under-ice properties. We demonstrate that despite shallow (~25 m) source/receiver depths, good communication performance can be achieved in both environments when exploiting the bottom-reflected arrivals. Simulations with the Bellhop ray model support the findings.


JASA Express Letters 2023 ;Volum 3.(2) s.

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