Ultrawideband underwater acoustic communication channels
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Traditional channel models for communications research are designed for narrowband systems. Underwater acoustic communication systems use a bandwidth that is not small compared with the center frequency of the signal and qualify as ultrawideband (UWB) in a relative sense. In this paper, measurements and analysis of acoustic propagation effects demonstrate the shortcomings of narrowband channel models. These effects are frequency-dependent fluctuation rates and frequency-dependent attenuation, where the frequency dependence of the attenuation differs between paths. This frequency selectivity of the medium violates the assumption of uncorrelated taps and requires a UWB channel model. It is also shown that correlative channel sounders preserve wideband properties, which renders them suitable for UWB channel simulation based on the principle of direct replay.
Walree, Paul van; Otnes, Roald Wilhelm. Ultrawideband Underwater Acoustic Communication Channels. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 2013 ;Volum 38.(4) s. 678-688