Test av beholdere for innsamling av miljøprøver i forbindelse med verifikasjon av kjemiske stridsmidler

FFI-Rapport 2000

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Fatima Hussain
The existing method for preparing soil samples contaminated with chemical warfare agents, gave recoveries below 5% for DIPMP-d3, tributylamine and 3,3’-thiodipropanol. After further investigations, it was found that the container used in the field to collect soil samples, affects the results observed. Therefore, different glass and teflon containers were tested with soil and snow as sample matrix. The quartz glass container in the prototype sampling kit for chemical warfare agents, gave the lowest recovery for the components. The PTFE-bottle gave a recovery somewhat higher than the quartz glass. The highest recovery for the analytes from soil and snow samples, were achieved with a borosilicate glass and a FEP-bottle.

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