TEK14: Militærteknologiske trender : oversiktsrapport 2004

FFI-Rapport 2005

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Bård Eggereide Tony Kråkenes Bente Jensløkken Meland Tor-Erik Schjelderup Terje Wahl
This report gives a broad overview of important military technology trends in the Western World, as a basis for further work on possible future development paths for the Norwegian armed forces. Both platforms, communications, sensors and weapon systems are covered, as well as military logistics, NRBC protection and information operations. Several of the trends reported here were clearly seen during the latest operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. Among new important issues that have not yet been used in the battlefield, the report highlights the following: • The transition of artillery into a precision weapon by introduction of GPS-guided shells • The imminent introduction of high power microwave and laser weapons • The rapid development on the armed UAV sector ("Hunter-Killer UAVs" and UCAV) The report also highlights the likely technological consequences of the 11th of September terrorist attacks and the stabilization phase of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

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