Specification of functions for the Unison underwater warfare demonstrator

FFI-Rapport 2002

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Jon Wegge
UNISON 2005 is a research and development program supporting the development of the next generation of combat systems for underwater warfare. The UNISON 2005 program is a co-operation between KDA, SIMRAD and FFI. The UNISON Underwater Warfare demonstrator is intended to include processing of sonar data beyond beamforming and low-level data detection to demonstrate possible solutions to improving the capability and capacity of sonar operators in an ASW-situation. The demonstrator program include among other modules a slightly modified version of the RoNoNavy NAVMATCOM's LYBIN hydro-acoustic model, data from high resolution land and sea floor topography, alternative target trackers and components of an ASW-planning tool. In addition to assimilate data from hydroacoustics, topography and sonar data, the Human-Computer Interaction solution should demonstrate rational and effective operation of the program. This report contains a description of the new functions suggested for second phase of the UNISON 2005 Underwater Warfars demonstrator. The second phase lasted from January 1999 to September 2001.

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