Specification of a socket interface for a generic tactical protocol solution

FFI-Rapport 2004

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Anders Eggen
This report gives a specification of a JAVA socket API (Application Protocol Interface) on top of a generic protocol solution developed for use over communication systems with low data rate. The solution may be used for unicast or multicast communication, and will handle recipients in EMCON (radio silence). The JAVA API described is generic in the sense that it provides an API identical to the interface of the java.net socket communication package. Therefore, the applications normally using the java.net communication package, do not need to be modified in order to use this protocol solution. The difference is however that instead of mapping the socket communication to the TCP/IP or UDP/IP protocols as is done in java.net, the socket communication is mapped down to a different protocol stack consisting of a tactical adaptation sublayer, ACP 142 (P-Mul), UDP and IP. All of the protocols are described in the report. This report is written in the form of a specification aimed at vendors for implementation.

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