Sparse range-Doppler image construction with neural networks
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The principles outlined by compressed sensing can
permit a sensor to collect reduced amount of data and still
reconstruct an exact outcome. This can for example be used
to generate super-resolution sparse range-Doppler radar images
while emitting a reduced number of pulses within a coherent
processing interval. In this paper, we investigate the use of neural
networks as a mean to solve the sparse reconstruction problem
with specific emphasis towards range-Doppler images. The neural
networks are trained to generate a sparse Doppler profile from
incomplete time domain data in line with traditional sparse L1-
norm minimization. We show that this approach is viable through
fully connected feed forwarding networks and the results closely
mimic sparse recovered range-Doppler maps.
Akhtar, Jabran. Sparse range-Doppler image construction with neural networks. IEEE International Conference on Radar 2020