Small-scale fire performance assessment of intumescent coatings on metal tubes containing ammonium nitrate. A stepping-stone towards their application as a fire safety measure on road transportation tanks?
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Ammonium nitrate is used in vast amounts globally, first and foremost as a component of fertilizers and explosive formulations. This usage necessitates its transportation which, as for most hazardous materials, involves certain risks. For oxidizing materials such as ammonium nitrate, the ultimate consequence of road transportation incidents is usually considered to be fire followed by explosion. Even though the probability in general is low, substantial reduction in its risk is a great gain for public safety. Thus, identifying novel and improving current safety measures for risk reduction, is an important aspect in the field of hazardous materials. Herein, a series of experiments are reported, which demonstrate the fire protection performance of two state-of-the-art intumescent passive fire protection materials on small-scale metal test tubes containing ammonium nitrate. Albeit being initial experiments on laboratory-scale, these results provide a promising starting point for further investigations on the potential of these materials for the fire protection of ammonium nitrate when carried in metal tanks. At its best, a prominent protection of ammonium nitrate from heat exposure was observed, as the temperature was kept well below its boiling point for more than 2.5 h. Successively, it resulted in a complete recovery of the sample material. This was in large contrast to the observed results for the unprotected test tubes, which led to complete decomposition of the sample after 11 min.
Due-Hansen, Maria Elisabeth; Johannessen, Tom Cato; Bolsønes, Marianne. Small-scale fire performance assessment of intumescent coatings on metal tubes containing ammonium nitrate. A stepping-stone towards their application as a fire safety measure on road transportation tanks?. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 2021 ;Volum 73