Sluttrapport for FFI-prosjekt 807 SLADI
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A decision to make the Norwegian Defence Forces ”Network based” has already been made on the political level in
Norway, and although an overarching concept for network based utilisation of military power has been developed in
Norway, the concept is only a collection of hypotheses and expectations of possible effects that may be achieved
through networking (technological and organisational) and needs further concretisation. Project SLADI on FFI (The
Norwegian Defence Research Establishment) was therefore tasked by the Joint Staff specifically to:
• Develop a method to establish and analyse C2 structures
• In cooperation with the Joint Staff, develop alternative future national C2 structures
The metod is based on qualitative analysis and a multi-criteria decision making approach, represented in a simple
Analytical Hierarchical Process tool. The method also very importantly includes human and organisational issues from
organisational psychology. Using this metod, SLADI has developed four different national C2 structures as an input to
the Norwegian Joint Staff. Finally, the project has done cost analysis of the different C2 structures, in order to ensure
the financial feasability of the proposed national C2 structures.