SLADI - metoderapport del 2: UPTO - strukturanalysemodellen

FFI-Rapport 2003

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Anne Lise Bjørnstad Hilde Hafnor
Project 807/161 “Battlefield digitisation – consequences for command and operations” (SLADI) has addressed central consequences of the current and expected future digitisation of various functions in the military organization. This report presents the development of an analytic model (UPTO) based in organizational psychology, for the analysis of C2-structures. The model is a further development of the PTO (Process, Technology, Organization) -model employed by the Norwegian Defence. This development turns the aim from design to analysis and from a static understanding to a process-oriented interactionist understanding. The aim of the UPTO-model is twofold. First, it is aimed to evaluate the designed C2-structure holistically in terms of what conditions the structure is likely to demand in order for it to be viable (“forutsetninger”), and in terms of what effects the structure is likely to produce (“effekter”). Second, the model is aimed to evaluate how the structure may succeed in reaching the set goals known as the properties (“egenskaper”), which are defined in the report by Braathen et al (2002).

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