Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) bilder av ulike RDX kvaliteter

FFI-Rapport 2002

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Gunnar Ove Nevstad
The quality of RDX crystals has strong influence on the sensitivity of explosive products containing the crystals. The shock sensitivity of PBXN-109 made from different batches of RDX has shown significantly different results. A reduction by a factor two in shock sensitivity can be obtained by choosing the right crystals. Chemical analysis has shown no significant differences between good or bad crystals. It’s therefore believed that crystals defects may be the reason for the obtained differences in shock sensitivity. With defects is understood irregularity on the crystal surface or inside the crystals. A Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) has been used to study the crystal surface. To obtain samples with crystals with approximately the same crystal size, the batches were fractionated before the samples were placed in the microscope. The results from the SEM study show that the examined crystals have different quality. However, the differences in shape and surface defects do not explain the differences in shock sensitivity. The quality of RDX crystals has strong influence on the sensitivity of explosive products containing the crystals. The shock sensitivity of PBXN-109 made from different batches of RDX has shown significantly different results. A reduction by a factor two in shock sensitivity can be obtained by choosing the right crystals. Chemical analysis has shown no significant differences between good or bad crystals. It’s therefore believed that crystals defects may be the reason for the obtained differences in shock sensitivity. With defects is understood irregularity on the crystal surface or inside the crystals. A Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) has been used to study the crystal surface. To obtain samples with crystals with approximately the same crystal size, the batches were fractionated before the samples were placed in the microscope. The results from the SEM study show that the examined crystals have different quality. However, the differences in shape and surface defects do not explain the differences in shock sensitivity.

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