Samhandlingskonsept for operasjoner - et mulig konsept og eksperimentskisser

FFI-Rapport 2006

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Hans Olav Sundfør
FFI studies future management and interaction concepts for network enabled operations through FFI project 879 “NBF i operasjoner”. An important part of this work is to develop possible future management concepts and subsequently test these through laboratory experiments. A concept space and associated concept dimensions have been described in a previous report. This report outlines a possible future management concept for network enabled operations in Norwegian Defence. It highlights what is perceived as specific uncertainties of this concept and its suitability, and outlines five laboratory experiments that would improve the understanding of those uncertain areas. The five experiment sketches address the following mechanisms: 1. A free market with allocated generic effect and free prices as a mechanism for allocating physical resources. 2. A fixed price market with allocated specific effect as a mechanism for allocating physical resources. 3. Self-organisation of co-ordinated tactical operations 4. Self-organisation of operations on low tactical and system-level operations 5. Self-organisation and “management by negation”

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