Russian Rearmament: An Assessment of Defense-Industrial Performance
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This article addresses two related questions associated with Russia’s rearmament program (GPV-
2020). First, it examines how the Russian defense industry has performed in the first five years of
the rearmament program, by presenting data describing the quantity and quality of new arms
procurement in Russia. Second, the article considers which factors explain the nature of Russian
defense-industrial performance over the past five years, including the importance of the increase in
financial resources allocated to defense procurement, as well as additional structural and institutional
factors. It is argued that, although defense-industrial performance between 2011 and 2015
has not been perfect, it can still be considered to have been relatively successful.
Connolly, Richard; Sendstad, Cecilie. Russian Rearmament: An Assessment of Defense-Industrial Performance. Problems of Post-Communism 2016