Remote Operation of Marine Robotic Systems and Next-Generation Multi-Purpose Control Rooms

Vitenskapelig artikkel 2023
Antonio Vasilijevic Jens Einar Bremnes Martin Ludvigsen
Since 2017, NTNU’s Applied Underwater Robotics Laboratory has been developing an infrastructure for remote marine/subsea operations in Trondheim Fjord. The infrastructure, named the OceanLab subsea node, allows remote experimentation for three groups of assets: seabed infrastructure, surface or subsea vehicles/robots, and assets at remote experimentation sites. To achieve this task, a shoreside control room serves as a hub that enables efficient and diverse communication with assets in the field as well as with remote participants/operators. Remote experimentation has become more popular in recent years due to technological developments and convenience, the COVID-19 pandemic, and travel restrictions that were imposed. This situation has shown us that physical presence at the experimentation site is not necessarily the only option. Sharing of the infrastructure among different experts, which are geographically distributed, but participating in a single, local, real-time experiment, increases the level of expertise available and the efficiency of the operations. This paper also elaborates on the development of a virtual experimentation environment that includes simulators and digital twins of various marine vehicles, infrastructures, and the operational marine environment. By leveraging remote and virtual experimentation technologies, users and experts can achieve relevant results in a shorter time frame and at a reduced cost.


Vasilijevic, Antonio; Bremnes, Jens Einar; Ludvigsen, Martin. Remote Operation of Marine Robotic Systems and Next-Generation Multi-Purpose Control Rooms. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE) 2023 ;Volum 11.(10)

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