Påvisning av biologiske stridsmidler ved bruk av real-time PCR
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Genetic methods are nowadays considered indispensable for identification of microorganisms. Such methods are used in
the field of food safety, clinical diagnostics of humans and animals and for identification of biological warfare agents. In
PCR, specific DNA-sequences are amplified and these PCR products are detected by gel electrophoresis. In real-time
PCR amplified DNA is detected during the PCR by using the fluorescent dye SYBR Green I or fluorescent labelled
DNA probes. Real-time PCR has considerable advantages over classical PCR. It is fast (20-40 minutes), possibility of
quantification and no additional detection method such as gel electrophoresis is needed, which means decreased risk of
contamination between different samples.
In this report we describe real- time PCR methods for identification of several biological warfare agents such as Bacillus
anthracis, Yersinia pestis, Vibrio cholerae, Coxiella burnetii, Francisella tularensis and Brucella melitensis. A method
for analyisis of Vaccinia virus is also included. These samples are provided by Dr Bruce Harper, Dugway Proving
Ground, Life Science Division, USA. In addition we shortly describe a method for lysis of Gram-positive bacteria
exampled by Bacillus cereus.