Part I: Allied Warrior 2004 - pilot study and analysis of cross-cultural organizational issues

FFI-Rapport 2005

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FFI-project 879 Network Based Defense in Operations aims to increase the understanding of the transformation of the Norwegian Armed Forces toward NBD, including both theoretical and empirical examinations of the concept, linked to both the technological and the organizational development. This report presents the analysis of the organizational processes in a NATO Headquarter (HQ), based on the data collected ate the NATO exercise Allied Warrior 2004 (AW04). (A part II of this report will focus more on the crosscultural issues linked to the organization and cooperation.) Secondary to the analysis is also a methodological description of the development of the organization-focused questionnaire employed in the data collection. Topics covered in the analysis are, information-sharing, decision-making, language, organization, group roles and processes, social identity, and culture. There are analyses of both quantitative and qualitative data included. The results of the analysis provide some preliminary insights into the organizational processes linked to the cooperation in a multinational headquarter. The organizational questionnaire employed proved to be useful and is deemed to be of value also for further research in this area.

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