Parameter selection in a fully adaptive tracking radar

Vitenskapelig artikkel 2020

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Jonas Myhre Christiansen Graeme E. Smith
A fully adaptive radar framework has been proposed in recent publications, and this paper will implement the framework for a tracking radar. A set of cost functions are developed to balance the performance cost of the track and the resource cost of the track update. The method and cost functions are illustrated in a simulated example which emulating a simple scenario. The performance of the radar is compared when adapting with the different cost functions, and the performance of the track is compared together with the resources spent. It showed an increased performance in track maintenance at less resources spent, when comparing the method adapting over track update interval, number of pulses in dwell and PRF, over a method only adapting over track update interval.


Christiansen, Jonas Myhre; Smith, Graeme E.. Parameter selection in a fully adaptive tracking radar. IEEE International Conference on Radar 2019

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