Overall description of an analysis and simulation tool for acoustic ASW sensors

FFI-Rapport 2003

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Jon Wegge Elling Tveit
This report describes the sonar analysis and simulation to be performed by the ASW sonar and combat system evaluation tool. The tool will be developed in FFI project 849 SIMSON, and will be used in analysis of properties and performance of the active ASW sonars of the Fridjof Nansen class frigates. This also includes the helicopter dipping sonar. The analysis will be based on recorded sonar data and reference data. To facilitate detailed study of algorithms, parts of the processing chain of the sonars will be implemented. Simulation of sensor data based on detailed environmental input, will aid the understanding of the sonar performance, and allow sensitivity studies for different parameters settings and environmental conditions. The most commonly used processing modes of the sonars will be analysed and simulated. A module for realistic sonar simulations will be delivered for implementation in the Action Speed Tactical Trainer. The solutions for analysis and simulation will be further detailed in the development process eventually leading up to the implementation of a complete evaluation tool. The process is composed of specifying requirements and detailing the design solution before implementing the software solution.

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