On the Use of Computational Fluid Dynamics to Investigate Aerosol Dispersion in an Industrial Environment: A Case Study
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Aerosol dispersion in the area surrounding an existing biological treatment facility is investigated using large-eddy simulation, with the objective to investigate the applicability of computational fluid dynamics to complex real-life problems. The aerosol sources consist of two large aeration ponds that slowly diffuse aerosols into the atmosphere. These sources are modelled as dilute concentrations of a non-buoyant non-reacting pollutant diffusing from two horizontal surfaces. The time frame of the aerosol release is restricted to the order of minutes, justifying a statistically steady inlet boundary condition. The numerical results are compared to wind-tunnel experiments for validation. The wind-tunnel flow characteristics resemble neutral atmospheric conditions with a Reynolds number, based on the boundary-layer thickness, of Reδ ≈ 2 × 105. The numerical inflow conditions are based upon the wind-tunnel flow field. The predicted decay of both the mean and root-mean-square concentrations are in good agreement with experimental data; at 3 m from the ground, the plume mean concentration 200 m downwind of the source is approximately 2% of the source strength. The numerical data in the near-surface layer (0–50 m from the ground) correspond particularly well with the wind-tunnel data. Tentative deposition simulations suggest that there seems to be little difference in the deposition rates of large (1.8 × 10−5 m) and small (3 × 10−6 m) particles in the near-field under the flow conditions considered.
Fossum, Hannibal Eie; Reif, Bjørn Anders Pettersson; Tutkun, Murat; Gjesdal, Thor. On the Use of Computational Fluid Dynamics to Investigate Aerosol Dispersion in an Industrial Environment: A Case Study. Boundary-layer Meteorology 2012 ;Volum 144.(1) s. 21-40