On synchronization in semelparous populations

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Einar Mjølhus Arild Wikan Tale Solberg
Synchronization, i.e., convergence towards a dynamical state where the whole population is in one age class, is a characteristic feature of some population models with semelparity. We prove some rigorous results on this, for a simple class of nonlinear one- population models with age structure and semelparity: (i) the survival probabilities are assumed constant, and (ii) only the last age class is reproducing (semelparity), with fecundity decreasing with total population. For this model we prove: (a) The synchronized, or Single Year Class (SYC), dynamical state is always attracting. (b) The coexistence equilibrium is often unstable; we state and prove simple results on this. (c) We describe dynamical states with some, but not all, age classes populated, which we call Multiple Year Class (MYC) patterns, and we prove results extending (a) and (b) into these patterns.


Mjølhus, Einar; Wikan, Arild; Solberg, Tale. On synchronization in semelparous populations. Journal of Mathematical Biology 2005 ;Volum 50.(1) s. 1-21

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