Mobile information platforms in the military domain
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his paper presents a preliminary study of attitude, compatibility, effort and performance expectancy for potential use of mobile information platforms, like smartphones and pads, in the military domain. Although mobile information platforms with all its possibilities, sometimes trending towards imposing, the military organizations are rarely to find among the (early) adapters of this new set of technology, services and ways. To the military organizations, security and reliability issues seem to overshadow the possibilities of mobile information platforms. The empirical data is based on questionnaires, unstructured group interviews and observations during four military activities in Norway. Overall, the study provides an outline regarding attitude, compatibility, effort and performance expectancy for use of mobile information platforms in the military domain.
Elstad, Ann-Kristin; Reitan, Bård Karsten. Mobile information platforms in the military domain. NOKOBIT - Norsk konferanse for organisasjoners bruk av informasjonsteknologi 2015