MIMO synthetic aperture sonar: Benefits and limitations
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The use of Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) orthogonally coded waveforms sharing the same bandwidth, has the potential to increase area coverage rate in synthetic aperture sonar (SAS). The disadvantage is cross-talk between the waveforms. In this letter, the benefits and limitations are listed for a best case use of MIMO in SAS. A scheme is developed to emulate a MIMO system with realistic cross-talk that can be tested on non-MIMO SAS data. The impact of cross-talk is evaluated on simulated data and real data collected by a HISAS interfereometric SAS carried by a HUGIN autonomous underwater vehicle. The finding is that the negative impact of cross-talk on SAS is significant.
Hansen, Roy Edgar. MIMO synthetic aperture sonar: Benefits and limitations. Electronics Letters 2023 ;Volum 59.(2)