L-alanine-induced germination in Bacillus licheniformis -the impact of native gerA sequences

Vitenskapelig artikkel 2014

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Elisabeth Henie Madslien Per Einar Granum Janet Martha Blatny Toril Lindback
Background L-alanine, acting through the GerA receptor, was recently found to be an efficient germinant in Bacillus licheniformis ATCC14580/DSM13. Results In this study, we show that several of 46 examined B. licheniformis strains germinate remarkably slower than the type strain when exposed to L-alanine. These strains are not necessarily closely related, as determined by MLST (multi-locus sequence typing). Three of the slow-germinating strains were further examined in order to see whether nucleotide substitutions in the gerA sequences were responsible for the slow L-alanine germination. This was performed by complementing the transformable type strain derivate MW3ΔgerAA with gerA variants from the three slow-germinating strains; NVH1032, NVH1112 and NVH800. Conclusions A wide selection of B. licheniformis strains was evaluated for L-alanine-induced germination efficiency. Our results show that gerA substitutions could only partially explain why spores of some B. licheniformis strains responded slower than others in the presence of L-alanine.


Madslien, Elisabeth Henie; Granum, Per Einar; Blatny, Janet Martha; Lindback, Toril. L-alanine-induced germination in Bacillus licheniformis -the impact of native gerA sequences. BMC Microbiology 2014 ;Volum 14.(101)

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