Interoperable, adaptable, information exchange in NATO coalition operations

Vitenskapelig artikkel 2022

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Frank T. Johnsen Mariann Hauge
This paper summarises our work on policy- enabled inter-network routing for mobile networks and adapting information services to available networking resources in tactical networks. The work shows promise; both the policy routing and adaptive service infrastructure were part of successful interoperability trials in the Coali-tion Warrior Interoperability eXercise (CWIX) in 2021. This paper highlights our findings, how our work can support interoperability in NATO, and represents an enabler for future coalition operations. Although promising, the work involves research and concept development, and so, we anticipate its timeframe for seeing actual operational use as likely 3–5 years from now, typically targeting future developments within Federated Mission Networking (FMN). In our work, we have shown that we can build a federated mobile network by using a reactive routing pro-tocol that supports policy routing in a network overlay for use in a coalition. Further, we have shown that we can leverage network-level information at the application level, through a so-called cross-layer optimization (CLO) approach. The CLO approach leverages a well-defined format, and we found that this format promotes interop-erability and can be used in a multi-national setting. Since our work is experimental, we have also identified some shortcomings for future work.


Johnsen, Frank T.; Hauge, Mariann. Interoperable, adaptable, information exchange in NATO coalition operations. Journal of Military Studies 2022

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