International Policing and the Rule of Law in Transitions from War to Peace
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«Challenges to Collective Security»
Working Papers from NUPI’s UN Programme: In transitions from war to peace there are few challenges more in
need of urgent attention and careful planning than the issues of
policing and establishment of rule of law.1 Development efforts are
futile in situations marred by violence and recurrent conflict. The
nature of the institutions of law and order is central to the relationship
between state and society. In order to achieve a sustainable
political settlement after conflict, these institutions need to be trustworthy,
effective and legitimate. Neither is sufficient on its own: a
technically effective police force may be used in a way seen as
illegitimate by much of the population. Likewise, a high human rights
standard may not in itself ensure that the police, the judiciary and
the penal system manage to reduce crime and violence to levels
compatible with societal and economic progress. It is thus equally
important to have institutions established that are both effective
and legitimate. However, this can be a very difficult and challenging
endeavour since the deliberate misuse of, or the absence of,
institutions of law and order often may have contributed to the
fostering of conflict in the first place. Both institutional and cultural
transformation is needed to achieve lasting peace.
The international community has over the last decade become
increasingly aware of the need for a more integrated approach to
security-sector reform. That being said, there is still a long way to
go in terms of developing functional holistic approaches to such
reform processes. Attempts at shortcutting the need for local ownership
through «executive missions» have not proven particularly
successful. Any system of law and order not rooted in society itself
runs the risk of being superficial (allowing informal systems to function
underneath) or temporary (as it is dependent on the continued
presence of scarce foreign personnel).
While situations may arise that require full-fledged international
executive responsibility, the best approach lies in a careful integration
of security-sector reform efforts aimed at achieving a sustainable,
locally rooted rule of law. There is no alternative to a
sector-wide approach in this field, and the inherently political nature
of any undertaking of this sort should be recognised from the
Kaspersen, Anja; Eide, Espen Barth; Hansen, Annika Susanne. International Policing and the Rule of Law in Transitions from War to Peace. Oslo: NUPI 2004 ;Volum 2004.22 s. NUPI Paper(4)