High resolution spaceborne INSAR simulation with extended scenes

Vitenskapelig artikkel 2005

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Knut Eldhuset
The Inverse–EETF4 (Extended Exact Transfer Function 4th order) is used to simulate raw data and a complete INSAR processing chain for high squint has been developed. Phase differences for a spaceborne INSAR geometry are estimated and used as input to the Inverse–EETF4 and then the simulated raw data are processed with EETF4. The standard deviation of the flattened interferogram is only a few degrees. The Inverse– EETF4 is used to simulate extended SAR raw data from IKONOS images. The standard deviation of the auto–interferogram generated from those data is a few tenths of a degree. The simulations have been done with squint up to 40 , range block size of 1100 pixels and spatial resolution around 0.3 m. The Inverse–EETF4 and EETF4 processing is performed by generation of discontinuous raw data which makes it possible to cope with very large range migration.


Eldhuset, Knut. High resolution spaceborne INSAR simulation with extended scenes. IEE Proceedings - Radar Sonar and Navigation 2005 ;Volum 152.(2) s. 53-57

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