Håndbok for kostnadsberegninger ved Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt

FFI-Rapport 2004

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Bård K. Reitan Sven Erik Pløen John Egil Nilssen
This report describes and explains a methodology for the projects at FFI to base their work upon when calculating economical key figures. Cost estimates from the different projects at FFI are used as input to the overall cost calculations of total force structures using the FFI tool KOSTMOD. The FFI projects should be responsible of providing certain key figures: the investment costs, operating costs, life span and two different cost escalation coefficients. New in this report is the method of using the Trapeze distribution as an aid to obtain the expected value of the key figures, as well as to represent the uncertainty and the related economical risk of the suggested investment. Using the Trapeze distribution the project should propose the absolute minimum value (a), the absolute maximum value (b), and a most probable interval (m1, m2). When carrying out this work, it is necessary to divide responsibilities between the FFI projects and the Division of Analysis. The Division of Analysis is responsible for the development of a template spreadsheet and to execute the key figure calculations. In addition, the Division of Analysis will provide help and support to the projects. The projects' responsibilities are to provide a list of equipment asset separated into adequate parts and to provide appropriate cost data for these parts. In addition, the projects should document the process and the results.

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