Grafiske skytetabeller for 155 mm artilleri

FFI-Rapport 2007

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Egil Haarseth
The artillery uses graphical firing tables as backup to determine firing data when the fire control system does not function. Graphical firing tables are easy and quick to use compared to tabular firing tables. The graphical firing table consists of a main diagram for determination of quadrant elevation, azimuth of fire and fuze setting. Shells carrying illumination or bomblets use a supplementary diagram to determine a correction to quadrant elevation and fuze setting to get airburst. There is a separate diagram for each projectile and propellant charge combination. There is a need to complete graphical firing tables for new projectile and propellant charge combinations. This report documents the work that has been done at FFI to develop an application for production of such diagrams. The application consists of software written in Ada to generate tables and a Visual Basic application in Excel to plot the diagrams. The Ada software uses the NABK (NATO Armaments Ballistic Kernel).

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