Forsvarets miljøregnskap for 2005
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The implementation of environmental management in Norwegian Armed Forces was initiated in 1998. By order of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (NDRE) deployed an Environmental Management Information System (EMIS) for use in the Armed Forces i 1999. The background and development of the Environmental management system and EMIS of the Armed Forces is described herein. Information contained in the EMIS has been used to assess the environmental impact of the Armed Forces in 2005.
The following environmental aspects were considered: (i) use of ammunition, (ii) generation of wastes, (iii) energy usage and (iv) use of aircraft and runway deicing chemicals. In addition, the status of implementation of environmental management in the Armed Forces was evaluated.
It was found that the implementation of environmental management in the Armed Forces is, at the moment, unsatisfactory. The data quality of the EMIS was therefore variable and it was not possible to give a complete description of the environmental impact of the Armed Forces in 2005. However, it has been possible to estimate the environmental impact for several environmental aspects with some accuracy. Some recommendations for improving the data quality in the EMIS have been made.