Exploring Network Organization in Military Contexts: Effects of Flatter Structure and More Decentralized Processes

Vitenskapelig artikkel 2011

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Changes in the tasks and responsibilities of military organizations in recent decades have prompted new organizational solutions collectively known as network organization. Network organization includes changes to central organizational variables such as structure and processes. The present study explores potential effects of such changes in military contextsthat is, of flattening structure, decentralizing processes, aligning structure and processes, and increasing flexibility. To this end, self-report data were collected in three different military exercise organizations. Results indicate that perceptions of flat structure and decentralized processes both predict organizational effectiveness with almost full mediation by flexibility. No conclusions were drawn pertaining to the direct and moderating effects of alignment. Interpretations and implications for the implementation of network organizational changes in military contexts are discussed.


Bjørnstad, Anne Lise. Exploring Network Organization in Military Contexts: Effects of Flatter Structure and More Decentralized Processes. Military Psychology 2011 ;Volum 23.(3) s. 315-331

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