Evaluation of a highly discriminating multiplex multi-locus variable-number of tandem-repeats (MLVA) analysis for Vibrio cholerae

Vitenskapelig artikkel 2009

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Jaran Strand Olsen Tone Aarskaug Gunnar Skogan Else-Marie Fykse Anette Bauer Ellingsen Janet Martha Blatny
Vibrio cholerae is the etiological agent of cholera and may be used in bioterror actions due to the easiness of its dissemination, and the public fear for acquiring the cholera disease. A simple and highly discriminating method for connecting clinical and environmental isolates of V cholerae is needed in microbial forensics. Twelve different loci containing variable numbers of tandem-repeats (VNTRs) were evaluated in which six loci were polymorphic. Two multiplex reactions containing PCR primers targeting these six VNTRs resulted in successful DNA amplification of 142 various environmental and clinical V. cholerae isolates. The genetic distribution inside the V. cholerae strain collection was used to evaluate the discriminating power (Simpsons Diversity Index = 0.99) of this new MLVA analysis, showing that the assay have a potential to differentiate between various strains, but also to identify those isolates which are collected from a common V. cholerae outbreak. This work has established a rapid and highly discriminating MLVA assay useful for track back analyses and/or forensic studies of V. cholerae infections. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Olsen, Jaran Strand; Aarskaug, Tone; Skogan, Gunnar; Fykse, Else-Marie; Ellingsen, Anette Bauer; Blatny, Janet Martha. Evaluation of a highly discriminating multiplex multi-locus variable-number of tandem-repeats (MLVA) analysis for Vibrio cholerae. Journal of Microbiological Methods 2009 ;Volum 78.(3) s. 271-285

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