Efficient High-Power Ultrashort Pulse Compression in Self-Defocusing Bulk Media
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Peak and average power scalability is the key feature of advancing femtosecond laser technology.
Today, near-infrared light sources are capable of providing hundreds of Watts of average power. These
sources, however, scarcely deliver pulses shorter than 100fs which are, for instance, highly beneficial
for frequency conversion to the extreme ultraviolet or to the mid- infrared. Therefore, the development
of power scalable pulse compression schemes is still an ongoing quest. This article presents the
compression of 90W average power, 190fs pulses to 70W, 30fs. An increase in peak power from 18MW
to 60MW is achieved. The compression scheme is based on cascaded phase-mismatched quadratic
nonlinearities in BBO crystals. In addition to the experimental results, simulations are presented which
compare spatially resolved spectra of pulses spectrally broadened in self-focusing and self-defocusing
media, respectively. It is demonstrated that balancing self- defocusing and Gaussian beam convergence
results in an efficient, power-scalable spectral broadening mechanism in bulk material.
Seidel, Marcus; Brons, Jonathan; Arisholm, Gunnar; Fritsch, Kilian; Pervak, Vladimir; Pronin, Oleg. Efficient High-Power Ultrashort Pulse Compression in Self-Defocusing Bulk Media. Scientific Reports 2017 ;Volum 7.(1)