Effects of Cultural Diversity on Trust and its Consequences for Team Processes and Outcomes in Ad Hoc Distributed Teams

Vitenskapelig artikkel 2011

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Anne Lise Bjørnstad Knut Inge Fostervold Pål Ulleberg
This quasi-experimental study explores trust as a mediator, explaining how cultural diversity may affect team processes and outcomes in distributed ad hoc teams. Data were collected both through self-report and direct behavioral measures from a military sample. Our results demonstrate significantly lower trust in culturally heterogeneous distributed teams than in homogenous teams. In turn, trust was found to be positively related to team processes (i.e., communication). The results suggest trust will add explanatory value as a mediator in future team composition research. In terms of performance, outcome was not significantly predicted. Aiming to contribute to the future successful use of internationally composed teams, the implications of and the need for further research in these areas are discussed.


Bjørnstad, Anne Lise; Fostervold, Knut Inge; Ulleberg, Pål. Effects of Cultural Diversity on Trust and its Consequences for Team Processes and Outcomes in Ad Hoc Distributed Teams. Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology 2011 ;Volum 3.(2) s. 3-15

Nylig publisert