Dokumentasjon om al-Qaida - intervjuer, kommunikéer og andre primærkilder, 1990-2002
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This report is an attempt at gathering all available statements and interviews given to foreign media by Usama bin Ladin and his al-Qa‘ida organization from the early 1990s through 2002. The bulk of this material has been gathered on the Internet and is presented in an English translation, although reference to the Arabic original has been given whenever possible. The internet search has been supplemented by a thorough examination of secondary sources, and the end product is an overview of al-Qa‘ida’s media activities from 1990 to 2002. The reader is reminded, however, of the near-certainty that this collection is neither exhaustive nor 100% accurate.
The compilation contains references to nearly 90 different items (statements, videos or interviews) emanating from the al-Qa‘ida leadership. A handful of these may be forgeries. Included in this report are also bibliographic references to other important categories of primary sources, such as the group’s terrorism manuals, court hearings, and much more. The report also includes samples of documents recently found in Afghanistan.