Determination of critical diameter for DPX-6

FFI-Rapport 2006

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Gunnar Ove Nevstad
M72 LAW (Light Antiarmour Weapon) has been redesigned with a new warhead for urban warfare. The new warhead is designed for combat of light buildings and therefore needs an explosive filling that is optimized for this purpose. The selected explosive is a pressable composition containing 45 weight percentage aluminium powder. The selected composition DPX-6 is not qualified. A test program in accordance with STANAG 4170 has therefore been effectuated to qualify the composition for use in M72 ASM-RC. One of the properties the qualification programme required is characterisation of the critical diameter. To determine the critical diameter for DPX-6 pellets of different diameters have been produced by pressing to a density of approximately 98 %TMD. These pellets have then been glued together to charges of approximately 140 mm in length. The charges have been initiated with a detonator No 8 and a RDX/wax booster. From the obtained results the critical diameter for DPX-6 has been determined to 4 mm.

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