D2.1 Scenario template, existing CBRN scenarios and historical incidents
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The overall aim of the project “Preparedness and Resilience Against CBRN Terrorism using Integrated
Concepts and Equipment” (PRACTICE) is to improve the ability to respond to and recover from a Chemical (C),
Biological (B), Radiological (R) or Nuclear (N) incident. The objective of the project is to create an integrated
European approach to a CBRN crisis – i.e. a European Integrated CBRN Response System. This will be
achieved through the development of an improved system of tools, methods and procedures that is going to
provide EU with a capability to carry out a truly integrated and coordinated operational reaction following the
occurrence of a CBRN crisis, whether it is caused by a terrorist act or an accident.
The objective of the work package (WP) 2 on selection of scenarios and identification of critical event
parameters is to:
• Produce a template for scenarios and requirements, as a basis to make a selection of appropriate and
representative CBRN-scenarios.
• Based on the selected scenarios and experience from exercises, real events and experience from
earlier relevant projects, identify, describe and organize sets of critical event parameters/observables
characterizing the events, which first responders and authorities use as input for selecting, prioritising
and in a number of cases developing appropriate emergency preparedness and response measures.
• Identify a set of non-terrorist accident scenarios, which will be used as reference to sort out CBRNspecific
parameters/observables and as an aid to the gap analysis to be carried out in WP4.
• To create – as part of a CBRN response toolbox and training kit to be developed in WP4, WP5, WP6
and WP7 – a set of publicly available CBRN scenarios (not classified) that can be used by the
European countries for emergency preparedness planning, education, training, and exercises. Such a
set of publicly available scenarios is not available today.
WP2 is divided in three tasks with associated deliverables:
• Task 2.1. Scenario template and requirements
o Deliverable D2.1 (a) Detailed scenario template and requirements for consequence
assessments and (b) collection of submitted scenarios (those publicly available) and
information on accidents
• Task 2.2. Reference set of scenarios
o Deliverable D2.2 Reference set of CBRN scenarios covering releases of hazardous
chemical (C), biological (B) and radiological (R) substances
• Task 2.3. Consequence assessments and identification of critical event parameters
o Deliverable D2.3 Consequence assessments of the selected set of reference CBRN
scenarios and critical event parameters
This report, “D2.1 Scenario template, existing CBRN scenarios and historical incidents”, constitutes the first
deliverable of WP2 “Scenarios and critical event parameters” of the EU FP7 project PRACTICE. This WP is lead
by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI).
The research leading to the results of PRACTICE has received funding from the European Community’s
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 261728.