Cyberspace som slagmark : refleksjoner omkring internett som arena for terrorangrep

FFI-Rapport 2004

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Iver Johansen
This report outlines a possible disabling attack against the Internet. The attack is described in scenario terms as an attack from a hostile group intent on causing severe damage to modern societies world wide. The main aim of the analysis is to discuss some of the probable consequences on the international political arena should such an attack take place. A main finding is that current international law and international security institutions are largely irrelevant as far as managing threats in cyberspace is concerned. Increased international co-operation and co-ordination is thus called for. However, to the extent that such mechanisms are lacking, resourceful states will most likely concentrate on a unilateral strategy until credible international institutions are in place. Furthermore, the use of digital media and the ability of single individuals or small groups to harm society at large directs defensive measures in new directions. To defend against new threats states therefore tend to coalesce in an attempt to tighten control over individuals – their movements as well as other activities.

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