Converting the Iranian heavy water reactor IR-40 to a more proliferation-resistant reactor

Vitenskapelig artikkel 2012

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Thomas Mo Willig Cecilia Marie Futsæther Halvor Kippe
This article assesses the feasibility and benefits of converting the Iranian heavy water research reactor, IR-40, from using natural uranium to low-enriched uranium fuel. Based on neutronics calculations for a detailed model of the two reactor configurations, a conversion would result in a smaller core with a subsequent reduction and degradation of plutonium production. It is argued that the proposed conversion will provide Iran with a research reactor that is better suited for scientific experiments and radioisotope production than in its original configuration. It is proposed to introduce the converted IR-40's fuel consumption requirements as a natural cap for Iran's future enrichment efforts.


Willig, Thomas Mo; Futsæther, Cecilia Marie; Kippe, Halvor. Converting the Iranian heavy water reactor IR-40 to a more proliferation-resistant reactor. Science and Global Security 2012 ;Volum 20.(2-3) s. 97-116

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