Computing turbulence structure tensors in plane channel flow
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This paper is concerned with the computation of turbulence structure tensors in plane channel flow. It has been pointed out that the previously computed turbulence structure tensors, for this configuration, used an inconsistent set of boundary conditions. But it was claimed that this had no influence on the computed structure tensors since the velocity field reconstructed by the vector potential only had a constant offset when compared to the original velocity field. In this paper it is shown that this is not the case. Based on a highly resolved LES simulation, the turbulence structure tensors are computed both using the previously employed boundary conditions and a consistent set of boundary conditions. The results exhibit considerable differences in a significant part of the domain.
Vartdal, Magnus. Computing turbulence structure tensors in plane channel flow. Computers & Fluids 2016 ;Volum 136. s. 207-211