Comparing VO2max Improvement in Five Training Methods

Vitenskapelig artikkel 2012

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John Fredrik Moxnes Kjell Hausken
This paper presents a theoretical study comparing the improvement of the whole body maximum oxygen uptake (maximum aerobic power or VO2max) when training at different intensities and with different methods matched for total work performance and frequency of training. We compare VO2max improvement in five training methods, testing Helgerud et al.’s (2007) experimental study against Moxnes and Hausken’s (2008) theoretical model for athletic performance, fitness, and fatigue. The five methods are long slow distance running (LSD), lactate threshold running (LT), 15/15 sec interval training, 4x4 min interval training, and running at 87.5% of VO2max for 22.17 min. A weight function that scales the importance of aerobic utilization and stroke volume utilization is established.


Moxnes, John Fredrik; Hausken, Kjell. Comparing VO2max Improvement in Five Training Methods. Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics 2012 ;Volum 6.(19) s. 931-957

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