Change Detection Using Time and Look Angle Series of Geocoded TanDEM-X Staring Spotlight Images

Vitenskapelig artikkel 2021
Knut Eldhuset
This article describes the analysis of changes in time and look angle series of TanDEM-X (TDX) and TerraSAR-X (TSX) staring spotlight images over the regions around Kjeller near Oslo in Norway and the town Nikel in Russia near the Norwegian border. It is shown that change detection may be done with TDX/TSX with shorter intervals than the repeat cycle using time series of geocoded images with varying look angles. Using look angle series of geocoded images can help to identify changes due to look angle variation. Accurate science orbit data and very good overlap of scenes both in time and look angle make the TDX/TSX data very attractive for both coherent and incoherent change detection.


Eldhuset, Knut. Change Detection Using Time and Look Angle Series of Geocoded TanDEM-X Staring Spotlight Images. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 2021 ;Volum 14. s. 3824-3829

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