Bacterial Brain Abscesses Expand Despite Effective AntibioticTreatment: A Process Powered by Osmosis Due to NeutrophilCell Death
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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: A bacterial brain abscess is an emergency and should be drained of pus within
24 hours of diagnosis, as recently recommended. In this cross-sectional study, we investigated whether delaying pus
drainage entails brain abscess expansion and what the underlying mechanism might be.
METHODS: Repeated brain MRI of 47 patients who did not undergo immediate pus drainage, pus osmolarity measurements, immunocytochemistry, proteomics, and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography.
RESULTS: Time from first to last MRI before neurosurgery was 1 to 14 days. Abscesses expanded in all but 2 patients: The
median average increase was 23% per day (range 0%-176%). Abscesses expanded during antibiotic therapy and even if
the pus did not contain viable bacteria. In a separate patient cohort, we found that brain abscess pus tended to be
hyperosmolar (median value 360 mOsm; range 266-497; n = 14; normal cerebrospinal fluid osmolarity is ∼290 mOsm).
Hyperosmolarity would draw water into the abscess cavity, causing abscess expansion in a ballooning manner through
increased pressure in the abscess cavity. A mechanism likely underlying pus hyperosmolarity was the recruitment of
neutrophils to the abscess cavity with ensuing neutrophil cell death and decomposition of neutrophil proteins and other
macromolecules to osmolytes: Pus analysis showed the presence of neutrophil proteins (protein-arginine deiminases,
citrullinated histone, myeloperoxidase, elastase, cathelicidin). Previous studies have shown very high levels of osmolytes
(ammonia, amino acids) in brain abscess pus. 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography showed focal
neocortical hypometabolism 1 to 8 years after brain abscess, indicating long-lasting damage to brain tissue.
CONCLUSION: Brain abscesses expand despite effective antibiotic treatment. Furthermore, brain abscesses cause lasting
damage to surrounding brain tissue. These findings support drainage of brain abscesses within 24 hours of diagnosis.
Bacterial Brain Abscesses Expand Despite Effective Antibiotic Treatment: A Process Powered by Osmosis Due to Neutrophil Cell Death. Neurosurgery 2023 ;Volum 94.(5)