An execution environment for distributed simulations - collaborative project between FOI and FFI

FFI-Rapport 2006

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Richard Moe Gustavsen Ole Martin Mevassvik Åsmund Hjulstad Martin Ekløf
This report documents a study performed jointly by Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) and Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) during a period of 9 months from March to November 2005. The work was as a Collaborative Project based on the Memorandum of Understanding concerning co-operation in defence research between Danish Defence Research Establishment, Finnish Ministry Of Defence, FFI and FOI. The topic of the study is execution environments for distributed simulations. Distributed simulation technology is becoming more important in several military applications. Currently its use is dominated by military training. Applications such as (simulation based) acquisition, decision support and concept development and experimentation are becoming more important. However, the use of simulation in a distributed and heterogeneous environment may be complex and involve a lot of manual work. The purpose of an execution environment is to ease simulation set up and execution management.

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