A model for the burn velocity of tracers
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In this report we perform a study of the burn velocity of tracer compositions. Both the burn velocity during flight and in
static conditions is studied. In addition we present results for varying densities of the tracer composition and varying
calibres of the tracer cups.
We find that the static burn velocity is different for different tracer compositions. Also we find a linear decrease of the
static burn velocity with the calibre of the tracer cup. The static burn velocity is marginally increasing with the density
of the tracer composition.
The burn velocity during flight (dynamic burn velocity) is larger than the static burn velocity. We find a linear increase
of the dynamic burn velocity with the angular velocity of the circumferential position of the tracer cup. We finally
construct a model where the burn velocity is proportional with the density of the composition and is linearly increasing
with the angular velocity of the circumferential position of the tracer cup.