250-MHz synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillator at 2.25–2.6 μm and 4.1–4.9 μm

Vitenskapelig artikkel 2012

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Nicola Coluccelli Helge Fonnum Magnus Willum Haakestad Alessio Gambetta Davide Gatti Marco Marangoni Paolo Laporta Gianluca Galzerano
A compact and versatile femtosecond mid-IR source is presented, based on an optical parametric oscillator (OPO) synchronously pumped by a commercial 250-MHz Er:fiber laser. The mid-IR spectrum can be tuned in the range 2.25–2.6 μm (signal) and 4.1–4.9 μm (idler), with average power from 20 to 60 mW. At 2.5 μm a minimum pulse duration of 110 fs and a power of 40 mW have been obtained. Active stabilization of the OPO cavity length has been achieved in the whole tuning range.


Coluccelli, Nicola; Fonnum, Helge; Haakestad, Magnus Willum; Gambetta, Alessio; Gatti, Davide; Marangoni, Marco; Laporta, Paolo; Galzerano, Gianluca. 250-MHz synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillator at 2.25–2.6 μm and 4.1–4.9 μm. Optics Express 2012 ;Volum 20.(20) s. 22042-22047

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